Kairos PA FCI Allenwood
Kairos Prison Ministry
PO Box 9001
Bloomsburg PA 17815
Find out about the team's programs and the prayer and share program. This section gives the teaming dates, locations, and contact information. The details will also display the dates of the on-site program, where to sign up for prayer dates and times. Advisory Council
The Media section is where you will find information on videos, newsletters, social media links, and other media about the program. We try to continue updating the program's information, so stop back often for updates.
Jeff Kluck
P: 570-751-8165
E: jeff.kluck@ymail.com
Fred Grosse
P: 570-374-8809
E: grosse@susqu.edu
Roger Walter
P: 570-374-5258
E: rww8399@yahoo.com
Ralph Hibbs
P: 570-412-9174
E: rhibbs@susumc.org
Cliff Bowersox
P: 570-713-5431
E: cbowersox@mifflinburglumber.com
Park Williams
P: 570-971-9918
E: parkwilliams@mac.com
Open Position
P: N/A
E: N/A
Page Updated: 02.08.2024